Invisible, Intelligent, Individualised


  Posted by: Dental Design      8th May 2018

For a truly aesthetic[i]orthodontic appliance, your patients need the Incognito System from 3M Oral Care..

Treatment can be customised according to each patient’s starting situation and treatment aspirations[ii]and the high-performance appliance[iii]will give both you and your patients confidence in the result that can be achieved.

Studies have shown the Incognito System to feature more precise slots than other solutions on the market for enhanced three-dimensional control[iv]and to be predictable in achieving the digital setup created by the orthodontic specialist.[v]

For an invisible, intelligent and individualised orthodontic treatment option, consider the Incognito Appliance System from 3M Oral Care.

For more information, call 0845 873 4066 or visit

3M and Incognito are trademarks of the 3M Company. 

[i]3M Unitek data on file, 3M Unitek Claim DB Centre “Incognito Appliance System: truly invisible, truly efficient.”, Claim Number: 2012 &45# S0

[ii]Schulhof, Adam, Dr., 2011, The Incognito Appliance System and Successful “Limited” Treatment. In: Orthodontic Perspectives | Clinical Information for the Orthodontic Professional, 2011, Vol XVIII N2, Page 10

[iii]3M Unitek data on file, 3M Unitek Claim DB Centre “Incognito Appliance System: A clinical study illustrates the Incognito System slots are significantly more precise than others, leading to the ability to express torque efficiently.” Claim Number: 2012 – S0

[iv]Demling, Anton, Dittmer, Marc P., and Schwestka-Polly, Rainer (2009). Comparative analysis of slot dimension in lingual bracket systems. Head Face Med., 2009, Issue 5, Page 27.

[v]Gauer, Dan and Proffit, William R. (2011). Accuracy in tooth positioning with a fully customized lingual orthodontic appliance. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, Vol. 140, Number 3, September 2011, 433-443.


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