A source of education and inspiration


  Posted by: Dental Design      13th June 2018

The Association of Dental Implantology (ADI) supports its members by facilitating an array of learning and networking opportunities for all members of the team to utilise.

Stuart Kilner was among the speakers at last year’s ADI Members’ National Forum, and about his involvement with the organisation he commented:

“The ADI Members’ National Forum offers us all the opportunity to meet, network and organise. I really wouldn’t be as engaged with implant dentistry if it wasn’t for the ADI. 

“For me, the ADI has been an outstanding source of inspiration and support. From my very first visit, I have been included and very welcome. As a young clinician, the value of being inspired and seeing other clinicians operating and working at a level I would like to one day work at should not be underestimated.”

To get involved with the dental implant community and gain inspiration for your own work, upcoming ADI events includes ADI Masterclasses, ADI Study Clubs, ADI Focus Meetings and the ADI Team Congress 2019. The full list can be found on the website.

For more information about the ADI, or to join, please visit www.adi.org.uk


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