ADI CONGRESS 2019 – A comprehensive approach to ridge augmentation – Istvan Urban
Featured Products Promotional FeaturesPosted by: Dental Design 1st December 2018
Istvan Urban will be among the outstanding speaker line-up at the ADI Team Congress 2019, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise from Hungary to help delegates develop their knowledge and understanding of all aspects of the treatment involved with augmentation procedures.
Istvan qualified from Semmelweis University School of Medicine and Dentistry in Budapest, Hungary, before completing a programme in Oral Surgery at St Istvan Hospital and a PhD in Periodontology at the University of Szeged. He currently teaches implant dentistry on the graduate programme at Loma Linda University, California, is a board member of the Osteology Foundation and a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Periodontology and Oral Medicine at the University of Michigan. About his lecture for the ADI Team Congress 2019, Istvan comments:
“There is a growing number of patients with bone defects among both the older and younger generations. This is due to the rising incidence of tooth loss and the increasing number of dental implants consequently being placed, as well as accidents and even small tumours. Compared to traditional concepts, the simplified and less invasive techniques available today can be learned and successfully provided by a wide range of skilled dental professionals.
“As with many aspects of dentistry, the devil hides in the details when it comes to successful bone augmentation processes. The actual procedures are not that complicated, but they are not forgiving and if any details are missed, this can quickly lead to problems. For example, thorough patient preparation is of the utmost importance. Other considerations are how we manage the soft tissues for passive graft coverage and also how we can reconstruct both the bone and soft tissues for a natural-looking and long-lasting outcome.”
Istvan’s lecture, entitled “Perspectives on Vertical and Horizontal Augmentation”, will be presented on the plenary programme on Thursday 2 May. Istvan continues:
“Treatment of vertical and horizontal defects has to be comprehensive. During my lecture, I will discuss all aspects of the treatment involved with various different case examples. I will spend a great deal of time focusing on the mandible, but I will also explore major defects in the anterior maxilla. The Sausage TechniqueTMdesigned for horizontal defects will also be explained.
“I hope delegates will gain a very good idea of how they can plan and execute ridge augmentation successfully.”
The ADI Team Congress 2019 will be the dental implantology event of the year, and Istvan’s talk is set to be a particular highlight.
“I think the ADI is a highly professional organisation and the programme at the ADI Team Congress 2019 will be perfect for modern dental professionals,” concludes Istvan. “That is why I would recommend that dentists and their teams participate! I am looking forward to speaking at the event and also being able to drive around and look at the beautiful surroundings of Edinburgh. Honestly, I have never driven on the other side of the road, so we will see how far I get!”
ADI Team Congress 2019
Shaping the Future of Dental Implantology: Techniques – Technology – Teamwork
2 – 4 May 2019, EICC, Edinburgh
For more information or to book please visit
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