We have a winner!

Featured Products Promotional Features

  Posted by: Dental Design      14th May 2019

W&H would like to thank everyone who entered its Facebook competition in April for a chance to win an Assistina TWIN and refill pack. Your continued support is greatly appreciated, but there can only be one winner…

Congratulations to Alan Wilson from Alan Wilson Dentistry in Epsom! Alan is now the proud owner of an Assistina TWIN, which has been innovatively designed to ensure that effectively maintaining handpieces is quick and easy.

To make sure you don’t miss out on the latest news and promotions from W&H, be sure to ‘like’ and ‘follow’ the leading manufacturer’s official Facebook page: @whdental.

To find out more visit www.wh.com/en_uk, call 01727 874990 or email office.uk@wh.com

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